Registration Policy

To be published in the IRC 2023  Conference Proceedings at least one author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the relevant rate.

One registration allows the author to upload up to one paper on which he/she is an author or co-author. LIMITED REGISTRATION allows the author to upload up to one paper on which he/she is an author or co-author. 

The paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission in advance of the event for a substitute presenter, who is qualified both to present and answer questions as per the author transfer policy given below.

Registration Fees

Membership CategoryRegular Registration (on or before 6th December 2023)
Local Participants (LKR)6000
Undergraduate students (LKR)6000
Overseas Participants (USD)76
* Important notice for SLTC undergraduate students – You are eligible for a coupon code. Send a separate mail BEFORE payment to authenticate your student membership to receive the code.

Refund Policy

All refund/cancellation requests must be provided in writing and emailed to by 21st September 2022. An administrative fee of 1500 LKR for local participants and 20$ from overseas participants and SAARC authors will be charged for each refund request. In the case of refund/cancellation, paper will be offloaded from the IRC 2023 proceedings and indexing. No refund/cancellation requests will be accommodated on or after 21st September 2023

Author Transfer Policy

All requests for registration transfers must be provided in writing and email to by 23rd September 2022 with paper ID and title. This covers when a registered author is not available for attending/presenting at the conference.

Presenter Substitution Policy

If an author or co-author is NOT available to present the paper at the conference, the Technical Program Committee Chair may grant permission in some extreme cases to have the paper presented by a substitute presenter. If you need to make such a request, please contact us at no later than 20th September 2022 and we will send it to the Technical Program Committee Chair for approval.

For All Participants

Children are not permitted entry into session rooms. Your support and compliance are greatly appreciated in this regard.

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